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Q.4.2.) Tools of the trade

 How I protect myself. Previously in this assignment I spoke about some methods and tools one should use to protect oneself when using any online or even offline portals. The methods and tools I used are as follows: 1.        HTTPS. 2.        Better Passwords. 3.        Do not store passwords physically or digitally. 4.        Anti-virus. 5.        Firewalls. These methods are not only my personal choices to lead a safe life online but the proof as they say is in the pudding. I myself have utilised all of these tools and methods in crafting and maintaining my blog and personal computing system. Let’s start with HTTPS. HTTPS or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure has been automatically implemented through my chosen browser (Mozilla Firefox) but I have taken this a step further. Within the settings on Blogger one can enable an HTTPS filter which will not allow unsecure content to be used or posted on this blog. Better passwords is the next and arguably the most im
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Q.2.2.4.) News on Digital Law and Ethics

Digital Disruption: A news story. Empowering or increasing inequality? The ethical dilemma of digital disruption Above you will find a link for a news article done by NEWS24's own staff writer. This story will detail the huge divide present in today's South Africa. This article is also highlights the digital divide that is affecting modern South African's  on a daily basis.

Q.2.2.3.) Timeline.

A timeline of ethics By now you are probably wondering how all of this ethics stuff started. That would be an easy question to answer if it was not for the thousands of years of ethical discussion and revision. We are also only dealing with digital law and ethics which is a small subsection of ethics as a whole. Below is a timeline of digital ethics starting in the 1980's. I will also provide a link to the original image in-case you cannot read the text.   Link to the original image.  

Q.2.2.3.) Ethical video

A video of Digital law and ethics in South Africa For any of you still confused about the true impact the far reaching arms of digital law and ethics, here is a video on the subject at hand. Below you will find a helpful link to a video on Digital Law and Ethics. Digital Law and Ethics Video  

Q.2.2.3.) Infographic.

Infograph of Digital law and ethics When one thinks of ethics, images of huge offices with scary men in expensive suits or philosophers pondering the intricacy of life may spring to mind, but these are not the only forms of ethics that one may encounter. For instance computers bring with them a plethora of issues ethically, how should we use them responsibly? Should we be allowed to post whatever we want? What are the repercussions of breaking the online law's. Below is a inforgraph on digital law and ethics and the laws all media outlets should abide by.

Q.3.2.) Privacy, Confidentiality and Anonymity in the digital world.

Facebook and you. Before you immediately click the button labeled "I have read the Terms & Conditions." In a blind panic as the plethora of words before you push you into submission, pause for a moment and think about what you may be getting yourself into. Bellow I shall take exerts from Facebook's privacy policy to highlight the 4 types of privacy identified by Floridi.  Decisional Privacy. "New owner. If the ownership or control of all or part of our Products or their assets changes, we may transfer your information to the new owner."   This shows that information that Facebook has gathered from you using their products and services they will make decisions about your own personal data and who is privy to your personal information possibly without your consent. Informational Privacy   "Information and content you provide . We collect the content, communications and other information you provide when you use our Products, including

Q.2.2.2.) Please allow me to introduce myself.

Who am I? Hello world! My name is Gregory Kiley and welcome to my blog. This blog en devours to highlight the urgent need for better education amongst all South African's on the topic of Digital Law and Ethics. A bit about myself. Currently I am a full-time student at Varsity College Sandton Campus. I am studying a Bachelors of Computer and Information Sciences through Application Development or BCAD for short. Through this course I have gleaned a deeper knowledge and understanding about how we as South African's are oblivious to the true danger and consequences that leading a digital life entails. The modules I am doing this semester are: Digital Law and Ethics . Programming 1B (JAVA). Mathmatical Principles fr Developers. Database Intermediate. Thus far I am enjoying my studies and have gleaned some useful knowledge from this semester at college. Last year I finished my first tertiary qualification from Varsity College Sandton, this was a Higher Cert